Hypothesis: Do men use more jokes and women more serious language?
Tweet 6: Male
- Informal structure
- Laughter, jokey
- Casual tone
- Elipses used to add mystery
Summary <=> Men tend to use informal language, humorous language and gramatical structure, often with a casual tone. Minimal punctuation is used, often elipses is used to sound mysterious.
Tweet 7: Male
- Informal grammer
- Announce troubles, carefree attitude
- Displays concern
- See no evil emoji, symbolising detromental effect
Summary <=> See above, in addition, announce troubles with a carefree attitude, but displays concern, emoji used to demonstrate effect.
Tweet 8: Male
- "High heel emoji" => casual emoji
- Jokey language
- Tweet tags @thisisadapt and mentions nikeuk
- Exclamation mark "!" light-hearted tone
Summary <=> Men use punctuation and emojis to convey casual language
Tweet 9: Male
- Casual language
- Refrences a website
- Talks of situation, attempts to make best of it
Summary <=> Men will try to make the best of a bad situation by making themselves the centre of a joke.
Tweet 10: Male band
- Exaggeration
- Slang
- Symbol representating an emoji which isn't visible.
- Makes reader feel as if they don't need to know anyone elses opinion, shows men are dominant / powerful
Summary <=> Men often feel the need to be the more dominant in the situation and will often make those around them feel as if their opinions are inferior.
Method of selection used: choose the 5 consecutive middle tweets.